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9 Types of Child Care to Consider for Back-to-School

As a new school year approaches, it's time to take stock of the different types of child care that can support your family and the schedule changes that come with the fall season.

Whether your little ones are starting Pre-K, heading to daycare for the first time, or at home with a parent, it's important to learn about the back-to-school child care options that are available to you can select the type of back-to-school child are (or combination!) that best suits your specific circumstances.

Back-to-school child care options for your family


1. Before and after-school care

For many families, before and/or after-school care is a back-to-school necessity. With many parents working full-time jobs (whether remote, in-office, or fulfilling household duties), you may need to find child care during the early morning or late afternoon hours that extend beyond school hours.

When it comes to before and/or after-school child care, you have a few options. These include an in-home nanny, occasional sitter (if one or both parents has a flexible schedule), and programs at child care centers. Selecting the right type of child care for your family can depend on your location and budget, but any of these options should be able to cover your needs, like breakfast, snacks, homework assistance and more.

2. Full-day child care on non-school days

For parents who work full-time, have household duties to tend to, or have irregular schedules, full-day child care on non-school days, like holidays and school breaks, is essential. Take a look at your kids' school calendar for the year and mark the days that school is closed but, as usual, work is not. Use an app like SitterTree to post in-home child care jobs for all the school holidays you'll need coverage for throughout the year. Sitters will apply, you can book them, and boom, you're covered! No more scrambling the next time President's Day rolls around. (Psst: your first job post is free on SitterTree!)

3. Occasional child care (or babysitter)

Not all families require full-time child care support during the school year. If you work part-time or have a flexible schedule, occasional child care may be a suitable option. A part-time sitter allows you to fill in the gaps on specific days or hours during the week, aligning with your work schedule or other commitments. If you need a recurring part-time sitter, child care websites like SitterTree or Nanny Lane can help you post a job that repeats, so your kids can get comfortable with the same sitter.

Have younger children who haven't started K-12? Preschool programs are a great option to prepare the kids for kindergarten and provide you with child care coverage. Preschool programs offer a structured environment where children engage in age-appropriate activities that promote social, emotional, and cognitive development. You can choose from different program styles like Montessori, Waldorf and more.

7. Special needs child care

If you have a child who has special needs, you know how important is to find child care that meets their unique requirements. Special needs child care providers are trained to support children with developmental, behavioral, or medical needs, ensuring they receive proper care and attention. On the SitterTree app, look for sitters and nannies who have the Special Needs badge. These child care providers have qualifications or certifications for providing special needs care.

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8. After-school tutor

After-school tutors can join your family in-home or at a separate facility. They supplement your child's formal schooling with tailored learning opportunities in a smaller group or one-on-one setting. After-school tutors run the gamut, and can support across language classes, STEM activities, and more. Depending on your state, you can find free or low-cost tutoring options for your kids.

9. Nanny child care

Some families prefer the convenience and individualized attention provided by hiring a nanny. Nanny child care allows children to stay in the comfort of their own home, and gives parents the flexibility to customize their schedules. Plus, a nanny typically sticks with their family long-term, becoming a valuable role model. Getting full-time nanny care is essentially hiring an employee for your home, so make sure you understand what the legal requirements are.

Once you've identified the type(s) of back-to-school child care your family needs, consider posting your jobs on SitterTree.

If you're new here, you can start your free trial by posting your first job on us. On the app, you'll find child care providers to meet ever kind of child care need, for this school year and beyond.

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