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Connecting parents, churches, and preschools to reliable child care in their community.


college student working in childcare

Why childcare jobs are the best jobs for college students

5 reasons childcare jobs are some of the best jobs for college students  As a college student, you juggle a lot-from exams to studying, homework to lectures, maintaining friendships and a social life, to eating healthy and working out. Now: squeeze a job into the mix?! That can be quite the challenge, but is a…

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5 Steps to Help Your Children Overcome Fear

As parents, our greatest vision is to have children who have a positive sense of self with enough self-confidence to navigate the challenges of life….

Sitter with toddler and baby reading

Early multilingualism builds stronger learning skills

Learning an additional language, especially in early childhood, improves certain brain functions besides language, including overall learning abilities.  Tell Me More The old myths that…

9 Tips for Raising Boys

Being the only female in a family consisting of a husband and five sons taught me a little about males and rearing boys. What I’ve…

PC’s and Preschoolers

Carefully collected observations indicate that judicious computer use may offer gains for children over three years of age. Tell Me More Many researchers recommend against…

Good sleep behaviors linked to cognitive benefits

During sleep, our brains, especially those of babies and young children, aren’t actually resting – in fact, quite the opposite: the brain continues to be…

child and sitter sitting at table

Home language environment is the biggest determinant of future language skills

No matter how much time children spend in daycare or preschool, research clearly shows that the home environment exerts the most influence on language development….

sitter and child playing with stuffed animal

Most parents and caregivers unknowingly underestimate a child’s language skills

Children’s word comprehension develops far faster than speaking ability – even from the first month’s children are capable of understanding far more than we realize…

Adorable baby and sitter playing. Both are looking at camera smiling and laughing.

Talkative toddler, master of math?

Strong early verbal skills have been linked to greater conceptual understanding of mathematics. Tell Me More By now, the advice to speak to your children…

Sitter holding newborn

Sleep routines mean more sleep for everyone

Reinforcing sleep routines means your child goes to sleep earlier and sleeps longer. Tell Me More Many parents swear by bedtime routines, and scientific evidence…

Sitter feeding baby a bottle while talking to toddler

Getting Ready for Your Sitter

You’ve done it! Booked a sitter via SitterTree, snagged that hard-to-get dinner reservation and picked up your favorite dress from the cleaners. Now what? It’s…

toddler in white dress

Imaginary friends can be good to have

Imaginary friends tend to reflect strong cognitive, social, and emotional skills in young children, rather than being a cause for concern. Tell Me More Creating…

babysitter with two boys completing a puzzle

Summer Creative Play Guide for School-Aged Children

Summer is almost here and soon your kids will be out of school! You may be wondering what to do with your kids while they…

