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Tips for Toddlers

The difference between boys and girls – not so great after all

By SitterTree / September 13, 2019

Despite common statements such as “girls speak earlier than boys” when it comes to developmental milestones, there simply is no proven significant difference between genders. Tell Me More Despite this fact, we tend to compare the genders often, with the result that there are many misleading perceptions about differences between the genders. Boys and girls

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Pointing to print preps the brain for reading

By SitterTree / September 6, 2019

Years before children actually learn to read, they begin to realize that letters and written text carry meaning. Tell Me More Research has shown that most toddlers and preschool children don’t pay attention to printed text unless they are encouraged to do so by the person reading the book. Simply by pointing to the text

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two girls coloring

Thinking “outside the box” has roots in early experiences

By SitterTree / August 30, 2019

Like many other skills, creative thinking can be strengthened by early environments. Tell Me More Seeing things from different angles is considered a form of abstract thinking, but it has concrete roots in visual-spatial perception. For example, being able to see an object in two different ways of finding objects hidden in drawings. These skills

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Child and sitter high-five

Even praise has its pitfalls

By SitterTree / August 23, 2019

Across cultures, children respond better to praise for effort rather than praise for outcome. Tell Me More Let’s start out by saying right away that praise of any kind usually starts out with good intentions. However, praise yields greater encouragement and motivation when it is directed towards a child’s effort (ie “You are drawing very

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5 Steps to Help Your Children Overcome Fear

By SitterTree / August 13, 2019

As parents, our greatest vision is to have children who have a positive sense of self with enough self-confidence to navigate the challenges of life. Life experience has taught us that at times, we are faced with situations which create fear preventing us from moving forward. One of the greatest gifts you can give to

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Sitter with toddler and baby reading

Early multilingualism builds stronger learning skills

By SitterTree / August 2, 2019

Learning an additional language, especially in early childhood, improves certain brain functions besides language, including overall learning abilities.  Tell Me More The old myths that bilingual children are somehow more intelligent than other monolingual counterparts, or that early bilingualism causes speech delays, are simply unproven.  Speaking two or more languages doesn’t increase general intelligence measures,

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PC’s and Preschoolers

By SitterTree / July 26, 2019

Carefully collected observations indicate that judicious computer use may offer gains for children over three years of age. Tell Me More Many researchers recommend against exposing children under three years old to computers. Computers simply do not match children’s learning style at this age, where learning occurs predominantly through the eyes, ears, mouths, hands, and

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Good sleep behaviors linked to cognitive benefits

By SitterTree / July 19, 2019

During sleep, our brains, especially those of babies and young children, aren’t actually resting – in fact, quite the opposite: the brain continues to be extremely active, laying down pathways and forging new connections while you slumber. Tell Me More It’s no big surprise that adequate rest is an important component of child development. One

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child and sitter sitting at table

Home language environment is the biggest determinant of future language skills

By SitterTree / July 12, 2019

No matter how much time children spend in daycare or preschool, research clearly shows that the home environment exerts the most influence on language development. Tell Me More Depending on the home environment, there may be significant differences in the number of words and quality of speech that a child hears. These differences can have

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sitter and child playing with stuffed animal

Most parents and caregivers unknowingly underestimate a child’s language skills

By SitterTree / June 28, 2019

Children’s word comprehension develops far faster than speaking ability – even from the first month’s children are capable of understanding far more than we realize Tell Me More It’s no surprise that speaking to babies from their very first days supports and stimulates early language development. Thanks to recent research, we now know just how

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