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How to select a child care provider for your group

Self-Select gives you full control to choose the best fit child care providers for your group.

What does it mean to self-select child care providers?

Self-Select allows groups on SitterTree to select child care providers from a qualified, vetted pool of applicants—instead of the app automatically booking providers.

SitterTree will continue to source, vet and manage payments for providers, but when it comes to selecting the fit for your group, the choice is yours!

Self-Select is our most-requested feature for groups, and we're so excited to make your booking experience even easier.


Ready to learn how to use the Self-Select feature? Check out this demo!


 How does Self-Select work?

  1. Post your job as usual. As always, posting in advance and at a competitive rate—especially on holidays like Easter—will result in more applicants.
  2. Favorite providers will be notified to apply. Other providers will also be able to view and apply.
  3. View job applicants at any time. Favorite providers will always be listed first when they apply.
  4. Select your provider! View provider profiles to learn more about their child care experience and read reviews.
  5. Use Chat to easily communicate. Download the app (for iPhone or Android) to try it out.

How will I know when I can select a provider?

We'll email you each time a provider applies, including when Favorite providers apply. Then, you can begin the Self-Select process.

Choose the best fit provider for your group by following the steps above.

Look for Sitter Badges, specific experience, reviews and ratings to help make your decision.

Want fewer emails? Adjust your email notifications in Notification Settings.

Tips for Using Self-Select

  • Select providers with enough notice. We recommend booking a provider at least 5 hours before the start of your job.  
  • Turn on Auto-Select. With Auto-Select turned on, we'll automatically book your highest-ranked Favorite provider, if they applied. If no Favorite providers applied, you'll self-select from the applicant pool...and maybe even find your next favorite provider.
  • Rank Favorite providers. If you have multiple Favorite providers, rank them by dragging and dropping within your Favorites list. Then, turn on Auto-Select under Instructions for ultimate ease! 
  • Cancellations. In the case of a cancellation, your job will be reposted and you will receive a text and email notification to select a new provider.  
  • Last-minute cancellations. In the case of a last-minute cancellation (within 12 hours of the start time of a job), you will receive a text and email notification to select a new provider. In addition, SitterTree Support will be available to assist you.


Ready to get started? Check out this demo!

When you need quality, consistent child care for your group, use the SitterTree app to connect with an experienced provider to meets your unique needs.

Or get started with an introductory phone call.

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