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Summer Safety Tips for Babysitters

safe sitter and young boy wearing a helmet while bike riding

Finally! Summer is here and babysitters and kids, alike, are ready to get outside. Good weather brings more opportunities for outdoor play. Whether pushing a stroller or riding bikes, the first step to a great Summer day is ensuring you are following these easy Summer Safety tips.

Safety at Every Job

  • Helmets: Kids should always wear helmets when riding bikes, scooters, or anything with wheels. If the family does not provide helmets, find a safer activity! NO helmet = NO wheels
  • Playground Safety: Always remain close enough to see and hear children at the playground
  • Safe Eating: Follow these safe eating tips to prevent choking.

SitterTree Sitters – Safety Starts With You

  1. Jobs: Only accept jobs booked through SitterTree
  2. Payments: Only accept payments and tips through SitterTree
  3. Location: Share your job location with a trusted friend 
  4. Reviews: Review every job within 1 hour

Always call 9-1-1 for emergencies,
then call SitterTree Support.

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